Table of Contents
1. Genes are DNA2. Genes Code for Proteins3. The Interrupted Gene4. The Content of the Genome5. Genome Sequences and Gene Numbers6. Clusters and Repeats7. Messenger RNA8. Protein Synthesis9. Using the Genetic Code10. Protein Localization11. Transcription12. The Operon13. Regulatory RNA14. Phage Strategies15. The Replicon16. Extrachromosomal Replication17, Bacterial Replication is Connected to the Cell Cycle18. DNA Replication19. Homologous and Site-Specific Recombination20. Repair Systems21. Transposons22. Retroviruses and Retroposons23. Immune Diversity24. Promoters and Enhancers25. Activating Transcription26. RNA Splicing and Processing27. Catalytic RNA28. Chromosomes29. Nucleosomes30. Controlling Chromatin Structure31. Epigenetic Effects are InheritedGlossaryIndex